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Warrenton Community Library is managed by the City of Warrenton and established its roots in the former Hammond Town Hall Building in the 1990s, moving to the current location at 160 S. Main Avenue in downtown Warrenton in April of 2017.
A Place for You
Serving the Warrenton Area through traditional and innovative services, Warrenton Community Library enhances the quality of life for patrons through literacy and life-long learning while connecting people to their community and world.
A democratic and informed society must have free, equal, and open access to information.
We empower citizens to improve their lives, their governments and their communities.
Library Staff & Board Members
Joshua Saranpaa
Library Director
Cass Williams
Library Administrative Assistant
Jenny Donohue
Library Assistant
Youth Coordinator
Position No. 1
Kelsey Balensifer (Chair)
Term Ending: 12/31/2023
Position No. 2
Joy Wheatley-Decius
Term Ending: 12/31/2023
Position No. 3
Term Ending: 12/31/2024
Position No. 4
Eileen Purcell (Secretary)
Term Ending: 12/31/2024
Position No. 5
Karyn Grass
Term Ending: 12/31/2025
Position No. 6
Amanda Donovan
Term Ending: 12/31/2022
Position No. 7
Dawn Delacey
Term Ending: 12/31/2022
Meets 2nd Wednesday @ Warrenton City Hall
Quarterly (Mar/Jun/Sept/Dec)
5:30 p.m.
4-yr. Terms

Library Board
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